How to make Moroccan couscous

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How to make Moroccan couscous

the components

 1 minute

1/2 kilogram couscous

1/2 kilogram chicken, washed and drained

6 carrots, peeled and cut lengthwise

5 turnips

5 pumpkins, green

3 pumpkins, red

1 cabbage, medium size, cut into four pieces

3 potatoes

2 tomatoes

1 eggplant, to taste

1 onion, cut into small pieces

2 cups chickpeas, soaked the night before

1 bunch of coriander

1 bunch of parsley

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

1/2 teaspoon turmeric

1/2 teaspoon ginger

A pinch of cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon cumin

1/2 teaspoon ghee, unsalted (or a cube to taste of ghee)


1) Place the onions in a pot with the chicken, add a little oil, salt and black pepper. After the onions are cooked, add the soaked chickpeas, two liters of water and the rest of the ingredients: black pepper, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, cumin and salt.

2) Rub the couscous with oil and a little salted water and rub it with the palms so that the couscous grains do not stick. Place it in a special steam strainer.

3 ) the strainer over the pot to evaporate the couscous.

4) Place the turnips and carrots in the pot first, until they start to soften. Add the green squash and potatoes. Shortly after, add the cabbage and eggplant, peeled and cut into halves.

5) Take the strainer containing the couscous and place it in a large plate (or a pot in Morocco). Grease it a second time with half a cup of oil and half a cup of salted water, and rub gently a second time with the palms until the couscous grains disperse (be careful of the heat). After that, return it to the strainer and place it over the pot to evaporate again.

Finally, add the red squash, coriander bouquet, parsley, tomatoes cut in half, and a little ghee.

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